ECAP Berne (until 2016 FORMAZIONE) was founded as an association in December 1998 by the educational institutions ECAP and CISAP together with the former trade unions GBI and SMUV (now UNIA). In 2002 the association was dissolved and FORMAZIONE became the regional branch of the ECAP Foundation in Berne.

More than 200 courses and more than 14,000 lessons are held each year at the training centres in Bern and Biel. Every year, 2500 participants attend our training courses.

The courses are aimed at migrants and are based on the most current didactic and methodological knowledge. The course programme is tailored to the specific needs and realities of the participants and also offers access to lifelong education for people who have not had much chances for an education. Our learning climate is characterised by appreciation, curiosity and openness. In the ECAP, people with different backgrounds, characteristics and worldviews meet respectfully. 

New projects and courses can also be planned and implemented quickly. ECAP Bern has a long experience in training and integration. More than 50 employees guarantee a high standard of course quality. ECAP Bern is a accredited adult training institution that benefits from the support of the Department of Education the Canton of Bern and since 2014 it is certified eduQua.

Our team

Caro van Leeuwen [tocco-encoded-addr:OTksMTE4LDk3LDExMCwxMDgsMTAxLDEwMSwxMTcsMTE5LDEwMSwxMTAsNjQsMTAxLDk5LDk3LDExMiw0Niw5OSwxMDQ=]

Head of department Language and integration
Franziska Moser [tocco-encoded-addr:MTAyLDEwOSwxMTEsMTE1LDEwMSwxMTQsNjQsMTAxLDk5LDk3LDExMiw0Niw5OSwxMDQ=]

Head of department Courses for unemployed
Selina Krüse Gurung [tocco-encoded-addr:MTE1LDEwNywxMTQsMTE3LDEwMSwxMTUsMTAxLDQ1LDEwMywxMTcsMTE0LDExNywxMTAsMTAzLDY0LDEwMSw5OSw5NywxMTIsNDYsOTksMTA0]

Head of department Literacy courses, German commissioned
Roman Strub [tocco-encoded-addr:MTE0LDExNSwxMTYsMTE0LDExNyw5OCw2NCwxMDEsOTksOTcsMTEyLDQ2LDk5LDEwNA==]

Coordination training center Biel-Bienne
Sandra Regolo [tocco-encoded-addr:MTE1LDExNCwxMDEsMTAzLDExMSwxMDgsMTExLDY0LDEwMSw5OSw5NywxMTIsNDYsOTksMTA0]
Fatmire Zekiri [tocco-encoded-addr:MTAyLDEyMiwxMDEsMTA3LDEwNSwxMTQsMTA1LDY0LDEwMSw5OSw5NywxMTIsNDYsOTksMTA0]

Coordination fide tests
Caro van Leeuwen [tocco-encoded-addr:OTksMTE4LDk3LDExMCwxMDgsMTAxLDEwMSwxMTcsMTE5LDEwMSwxMTAsNjQsMTAxLDk5LDk3LDExMiw0Niw5OSwxMDQ=]

Nursery Kidogo
Lisa Neuenschwander [tocco-encoded-addr:MTA4LDExMCwxMDEsMTE3LDEwMSwxMTAsMTE1LDk5LDEwNCwxMTksOTcsMTEwLDEwMCwxMDEsMTE0LDY0LDEwMSw5OSw5NywxMTIsNDYsOTksMTA0]

Counselling & administration
Jenny Brajnovic [tocco-encoded-addr:MTA2LDk4LDExNCw5NywxMDYsMTEwLDExMSwxMTgsMTA1LDk5LDY0LDEwMSw5OSw5NywxMTIsNDYsOTksMTA0]
Chanelle Hofer [tocco-encoded-addr:OTksMTA0LDExMSwxMDIsMTAxLDExNCw2NCwxMDEsOTksOTcsMTEyLDQ2LDk5LDEwNA==]
Lena-Mareike Màji-Wolf [tocco-encoded-addr:MTA4LDEwOSw5NywxMDYsMTA1LDY0LDEwMSw5OSw5NywxMTIsNDYsOTksMTA0]
Patrycja Studer [tocco-encoded-addr:MTEyLDExNSwxMTYsMTE3LDEwMCwxMDEsMTE0LDY0LDEwMSw5OSw5NywxMTIsNDYsOTksMTA0]

Organization chart ECAP Bern